Low Suicide Risk

Examples of low risk, passive suicidal ideation

  • Thoughts of death, no plan, intent or behaviour
  • Able to contract for safety, i.e. patient reports that they are agree to tell someone else if suicidal ideation worsens
  • Strong protective factors such as
      • Ability to cope with stress
      • Religious beliefs
      • Frustration tolerance
      • Absence of psychosis
      • Responsibility to family such as children, pets, partners
      • Positive therapeutic relationships
      • Social supports


    Give the patient a list of local/national emergency information such as:

    Provide handout on coping with suicidal thoughts

    In Ottawa, consider:
    • Mental Health Crisis Line for Adults, 613-722-6914 (within Ottawa), 1-866-996-0991 (Champlain LHIN)
    • In Ottawa, if you are with the Ottawa Hospital / Bruyere Academic Health Team, consider a referral to the Shared Mental Health Team

    Reference: Suicide Assessment Five-step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T).